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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So remember when I said...

that J and I were done trying to make a baby until at least December or January? Well...


Yup. Apparently that's what happens when you quit trying. I see the doctor in a couple of weeks for my first appointment but as of right now Baby #3's due date is 4/27/2011. I plan on discussing my VBAC options with my doctor and if things do not go like I hope, then I will also be interviewing a few midwives about possible HBAC options. I'm just so excited right now!!!


Anonymous said...

YAY!! Congratulations! It always happens when you least expect it.

I had my iud taken out july 27th and got pregnant aug 8th {of last year} i was expecting it to take awhile.

Good luck talking about VBACS let me know if you need any advice. :)

Melissa G said...

That's GREAT news! Congratulations!