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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Danny the Dragon Book and CD Review

One thing that you should know about me is that I LOVE books and reading. I can often be found at the local library with the girls just searching the endless rows. I cannot get enough of the smell of the ink and the feel of the pages. I love losing myself in the fictional stories and gaining new insight when sifting through a biography. I am so thankful that BooBoo has already developed a love for books. I normally have to read 5-6 stories to her at bedtime before she is completely satisfied. Bug is still too young to know what books are but I still read to her everyday so that maybe she will also love reading. Why am I telling you this? I was recently contacted by the Imagination Publishing Group to review the children's book Danny the Dragon "Meets Jimmy".

Danny the Dragon "Meets Jimmy", written by Tina Turbin and illustrated by Aija Jasuna, was a nominee for Best Children's Picture Book of 2009. Danny the Dragon is the story of Danny and his friend and navigator, Skipper, and their encounter with a young boy named Jimmy. Jimmy finds a seashell at the beach one day and learns later that inside live Danny and Skipper. Danny and Skipper have dinner with Jimmy and his family and later, they play catch with the neighborhood children. Jimmy even asks them to stay at his house for awhile, with his parents permission of course. Without giving away too much of the story, Danny and Skipper find acceptance from Jimmy, his family and his friends. This story looks to teach children about acceptance of others, no matter what their appearance. The storyline is a wonderful reminder of the innocence of children and how we as parents are the ones who show our children how to be accepting of others.

BooBoo loved this book and asked me to read it 4 times the minute it arrived. She enjoyed the story and the beautiful illustrations. I was impressed by those same illustrations, they were colorful and very engaging for young children. Unlike some of BooBoo's books, she never lost interest in this story. She had question after question for me to answer and that is what I love about reading to her, she is always ready to learn something new. When I asked her what her favorite part was she said that it was when the shell first "talked".

We also had the opportunity to review the DREAMS CD what is an accompaniment to Danny the Dragon. The first track on the disc is Danny the Dragon in its entirety. BooBoo liked that she could "follow" along in the book as she listened to the story. The rest of the CD is filled with beautiful songs that flow with the story. J who is our resident "music buff" was very impressed with the quality of the CD. This CD actually came in handy on one long car ride, keeping both BooBoo and Bug entertained.

Danny the Dragon has quickly become a favorite in our home and is one book I feel confident recommending to other families. We cannot wait for the next installment of Danny the Dragon.

About the Author:

From the Danny the Dragon website:

"Tina Turbin wrote her first story at the age of 16, and has since gone on to enjoy many years of working with and helping children and their families. Tina is a tireless advocate for children and families with intense research and involvement in children's education, literature, celiac disease, allergies and gluten-free issues. Tina's research led her to writing about these topics, leading to her extensive interviews and revelation in these fields. She has since become a passionate and tireless supporter in the effort to raise awareness on these issues. Tina dedicates herself to widespread activism with extremely reputable organizations, while she continues to write delightful children's books.

As a prolific researcher and writer, Tina lends her expertise to a variety of weekly publications, radio shows, websites and launched her own highly successful gluten-free resource website http://www.GlutenFreeHelp.info/.

Tina takes great pleasure in her abilities as an award-winning author, humanitarian, researcher and friend to many. Read more about Tina Turbin at her sight http://TinaTurbin.com."

You can purchase Danny the Dragon and the CD DREAMS at http://DannyTheDragon.com.

I received both a copy of Danny the Dragon and the DREAMS CD in exchange for my review. This in no way swayed my opinion and this is my honest review.

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